This page provides the change history for the Connect Daily Joomla! Extension
- Change individual event iCal links to use http(s):// scheme. Using webcal:// scheme would prompt to create new calendar subscription.
- Fixed an issue when the detailed event list was shown on a mobile device. The hyphen separating the title from the location was still displaying.
- Fix issues in microdata generation when an event was untimed, or the same time as the preceding event.
- Added support for Connect Daily 5.0 pooled resources to the add event screen.
- Added MicroData for event details.
- The mini-calendar will allow for CSS to highlight the current day.
- The single event details short code will now render Facebook OpenGraph meta tags.
- Fixed and HTML Coding issue on the mini-calendar.
- You can now use event creation from the plugin even if public view of the cloud calendar is disabled.
1.0.27 – 2017-10-24
- Correct issues relating to show Event End Times
- The single event view shortcode now supports the event date as an argument.
1.0.26 – 2017-08-15
- Added Single Event Display Short Code
- Improve Cache Handling.
1.0.25 – 2017-07-07
- Added a search short code to allow you to search the calendar.
- Individual event display via dialog, or detailed list includes a link to iCalendar export for that specific event.
- The full-sized responsive calendar now allows styling the current date’s cell.
- The mini-calendar now styles the current date, or the date last clicked on if you’re using a target.
- Fixed some issues in the events filter.
- The link title for attachment will be the file name and mime type, rather than just the mime type.
- Fixed a time label issue if an event had a start time, but not an end time.
- Fixed an issue with date/time labels in the detailed list if you had a series of events with the same start/date time.
- Performance optimization for social network sharing information.
- Fixed an issue where specifying the default calendar didn’t work on the add event short code.
- Fixed an issue when using the target attribute of a mini-calendar in responsive mode. Links to events were not clickable.
1.0.24 – 2017-05-25
- Added support for AddThis, social network sharing.
- The mini-calendar shortcode now supports a target attribute. If this is set, then clicking on a day populates the target with the day’s events, rather than displaying them in a popup.
- When you enter the content editor, a dismissible hint is shown that tells you how to insert a calendar short-code into your article.
- Added a dismissible hint to tell users how to add calendar events.
- Marking event privacy as show busy now works as expected.
- Fixed an issue with single-signon login when using Safari.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the public add event form to submit if another form on the same page submitted.
- Add Event form now supports designer specified required fields. Fields marked as required have required attribute set.
- The public add event form now validates required fields are present before submitting to the cloud calendar back-end.
- Fixed two missing captions on the public event creation form.
- Clarify the options to provision a new cloud calendar with example resources and for public event add.
- Add instructions to the provision new cloud calendar form.
- Display instructions on how to change the cloud calendar’s configured timezone if there’s a mismatch with Joomla’s.
1.0.23 – 2017-02-06
- Added support for end times. Simple and detailed list can display the end time optionally. Viewing specific event details, or the mini-calendar single-day popup will now always show the event end time.
- Caching is disabled by default for 2 hours after installation.
- After installation, the user is taken to the Connect Daily settings page.
- Minor HTML cleanups.
- Minor CSS adjustments.
- Settings page instructions weren’t being displayed as expected.
1.0.22 – 2017-01-06
- Accept-Language headers were not in BCP47 format as required.
- Provision calendar screen now provides options to enable public event creation, and import example resource data.
1.0.21 – 2016-12-16
- If the plugin hasn’t been configured, and the timezone is UTC, display a warning.
- If there is a mismatch between the Joomla configured time zone and the cloud calendar timezone, a warning is displayed.
- Fix an error on settings save screen if no username/password were specified.
1.0.20 – 2016-11-25
- The plugin now provides guidance to walk users through the configuration and usage.
- Fixed a fatal error if the Connect Daily component were uninstalled, while leaving other Connect Daily extension components.
- Fixed an issue where the event details popup would have the content overflow into the dialog footer.
- Fixed an issue in responsiveness when using the events types filter with the full-sized calendar.
- Fixed an issue (reported in WordPress) where the view single day popup would display the wrong date under certain circumstances.
1.0.18 – 2016-09-19
- Responsive full-sized calendar now supports dynamic filtering on event type, style, calendar, or location.
- Word, Excel, Publisher, and Zip attachments will now have an icon displayed along with the file name.
- Fixed a problem with date formatting in the view day popup for non-US locales.
- Responsive full-sized calendar: fixed a problem where the time value/format came from Connect Daily, ignoring the configured Joomla! time zone and format.
- Fixed a problem in the iCalendar link shortcode.
1.0.17 – 2016-08-22
- Changed AJAX URL generation to be relative to avoid an interaction between named virtual hosts and the content cache.
- The manifest file for the short code insertion dialog plugin was not getting the version number set correctly.
- Internal QA now test-compiles with PHP 5.3.
1.0.16 – 2016-08-20
- Fixed an issue that would cause the plugin to throw an error on PHP 5.3.
1.0.15 – 2016-08-17
- The public event creation form now supports assigning resources.
- Public event submissions now also submit the source IP address.
- Fixed an issue provisioning new hosts. Organization names would have spaces removed.
- Fixed some CSS issues with the mini-calendar and public event forms.
1.0.14 – 2016-07-20
- Joomla 3.6 appears to now automatically de-compress deflate requests. This caused our flate handling code to not work.
- Corrected syntax error in flate decode error handler.
- We’re investigating an issue with dialogs where event content is encroaching into the dialog footer.
1.0.12 – 2016-07-06
- Fixed a spurious warning on the settings page when changing the calendar URL.
- Added validations/cleanup to settings URL.
- Minor code cleanups.
- Rolled version number to 1.0 for Joomla Extension Directory release.
0.9.12 – 2016-06-17
- Added HTML entity encoding to event description.
- Fixed an issue in the simple list where multi-day events wouldn’t repeat even though allow_duplicates was set.
- Fixed an issue in placeholder for date inputs on the public event screen.
- Plugins are now enabled by default on install.
- Updated PHP minimum version from 5.3 to 5.4.4 because json_encode() doesn’t correctly handle Unicode which breaks the cache system. Additionally, PHP dropped support for 5.3 in August 2014.
- Added PHP version checking to configuration screen.
- Added php_minimum value to package update xml file.
- Fixed a possible entity problem on the add event screen.
- Added JSON encoding/decoding error handling to cache subsystem.
0.9.11 – 2016-05-10
- Added responsive event add screen.
0.9.10 – 2016-05-02
- Added display start time option for simple list of events.
- Bumped request timeout from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Fixed an issue with the various displays rendering and caching blank output on a remote request failure.
- Fixed an issue in single-signon if no username was configured.
- Return any error results from remote data requests as HTML comments for troubleshooting.
0.9.9 – 2016-04-27
- Fixed an issue with cache expiration. Joomla! expects minutes and I was passing seconds.
0.9.8 – 2016-04-25
- Fixed an issue with signature verification.
- Fixed an issue with the Short Code Insertion dialog not appearing in the Editor
- Fixed an issue with link generation in the short code insertion dialog for the iCalendar link.
0.9.7 – 2016-04-20
- Fixed a schema issue for MySQL < 5.6
- Fixed a schema issue for MySQL where a field name was a reserved word.
- For detailed list, made event time smaller for responsive mode.
- Added a support page to the component.
0.9.6 – 2016-04-19
- Added tutorial URL.
- CSS Enhancements for responsive calendar.